I am
Yadvendar Singh

Pensive Analyst and Coder. Inspired by tough problems.



A few interesting things about me. I love to read science fiction. I love to stay active, and you can find me lifting iron when I’m not around my work desk. Lastly, I love learning. Every day I push myself to learn something new, whether that be about machine learning, software engineering, or Cloud Technologies. My motto is to keep learning keep growing.
I am currently associated with Sparta Energy. My work primarily revolves around Data Scrapping, Data Analytics, ETL Processes, and Cloud Integration.


Take a look at some of the things I love working on.

Machine Learning

I have hands-on experience with developing Machine Learning models for production. I love the math behind it and its implementation.

Data Analytics

"Data is the new oil", but it's only useful after refining. I like to explore number to number relationships. I love to make beautiful dashboards and compelling presentations.

Cloud Computing

I create and maintain Highly Scalable, Reliable, and Secure Cloud Architectures. I also like to deploy Machine Learning models on Cloud.

Database Management

I have worked on Extracting, Transforming, and Loading of the Data into both SQL and NoSQL based Database. Query Optimization is one of my favorite things.

Website Development

I have worked with both frontend as well as backend stacks. I help to design and create websites that are fully responsive.

Competitive Programming

I like to challenge my analytical and coding skills on various platforms like HackerRank, Algoexpert, etc..


Machine Learning

Predictive Analysis
Cluster Analysis
RFM Analysis
Model Development

Data Analytics

Data Exploration
Customer Segmentation
Power BI
Google Analytics
Data Studio

Web Development


Cloud Computing

AWS Best Practices Architectures
AWS Docker
CDN, & Web Application Firewall
Model Deployment
API Gateway


Database Management
Query Optimization


Latest Projects

Have a look at my recent work.

This Project helps fellow researchers to model COVID-19 scenarios by varying Effective contact rate and Recovery rate across the globe. Front end is made using HTML and CSS, Flask is used to create API which connects mathematical differential equation model to font end. (*Model has been taken down)

This Project constitutes of Data Exploration, Data Visualization, Model Development, and Comparison. Apart from this it also contains an assessment of several risk factors, which includes but not limited to the Effectiveness of School Closure, Effectiveness of Community Contact Reduction, and Effectiveness of inter/inner travel restrictions.


AWS Reliable, Secure Architecture

I have created a High Availability, & Secure Architecture following AWS’s best practices to host websites using Web Application Firewall, Application Load Balancer, and EC2. Server hardening and configuration of SSL/TLS security certificates. Penetration and Load testing

Data Analysis

One of my most recent projects where I’m working on Data Analytics, ETL Processes, Dashboard building for flawless collaboration with other teams and higher management. Analysis of KPI’s influencing product as well as website’s performance.