
This blog focus on categorical and quantitative data to simplify your journey through the world of charts and data.

This blog presents key ideas to run multiple scripts on a single AWS EC2 instance.

This report produces visualizations that emphasize the positive aspect and show what values Canadians hold in common. Investigation of the weights is applied to survey data to obtain estimates of population parameters of interest.

This Project helps fellow researchers to model COVID-19 scenarios by varying Effective contact rate and Recovery rate across the globe. Front end is made using HTML and CSS, Flask is used to create API which connects mathematical differential equation model to font end. (*Model has been taken down.)

This Project constitutes of Data Exploration, Data Visualization, Model Development, and Comparison. Apart from this also contains an assessment of several risk factors, which includes but not limited to the Effectiveness of School Closure, Effectiveness of Community Contact Reduction, Effectiveness of inter/inner travel restrictions.


COVID-19 Data Dashboard using Amazon QuickSight

Data Dashboard was built using Amazon QuickSight. Amazon Sagemaker was used to gather and store data in S3. AWS Glue crawler was used to extract metadata from the datasets to build table definition to be used by Amazon Athena. (*Dashboard has been taken down recently because of session capacity issues. I have attached some previews for your reference.)


The purpose of this project is to build a Questionnaire Survey Application to provide an interface to the users to create different surveys and analyze the survey details. In Creation, the user with admin access can create a survey which later the participant will use and then the creator can use the application to do the analysis of the survey depending on various matrix like questions score, genders participation, different age groups and from different regions. The backend has been implemented using Flask and SQLAlchemy in python to generate REST API.

This repo contains my work towards KPMG Data Analytics Virtual Internship which includes Data Quality Analysis Data Exploration, Model Development, Interpretation, and Dashboard building. Apart from this I have also worked on Customer Segmentation, RFM Analysis, and Predictive Analysis.

This Repo presents an implementation of Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) to achieve the classification of a very famous MNIST  dataset. Using CNN, we achieved 98.62% accuracy on validation samples and loss of ~4% on training samples. This Project constitutes of Data Exploration, Data Visualization, Model Development, and Comparison. Apart from this also contains an assessment of several risk factors, which includes but not limited to the Effectiveness of School Closure, Effectiveness of Community Contact Reduction, Effectiveness of inter/inner travel restrictions.

This repo was made for one my Internship interview. As I wanted to know more about my interviewers, instead of just visiting their website and read from there, I scrapped the data and stored it in CSV format, using BeatifulSoup because WHY NOT!

Volunteered for Micro-datathon organized by “data for good” group where I analyzed and cleaned the Calgary Homeless Foundation, Alberta shelter, CRA charity, and Alberta Grants data sets. The cleaned data sets were used for final datathon.

This Repo contains data for all my videos uploaded on my channel Data Insight.

Professional Projects

Some of my Industry Projects.

This Project constitutes of Data Exploration, Data Visualization, Model Development, and Comparison. Apart from this also contains an assessment of several risk factors, which includes but not limited to the Effectiveness of School Closure, Effectiveness of Community Contact Reduction, Effectiveness of inter/inner travel restrictions.


AWS Reliable, Secure Architecture

Created a High Availability, & Secure architecture following AWS best Practices to host website using Web Application Firewall, Application Load Balancer, and EC2. Server hardening and configuration of SSL/TLS security certificates. Penetration and Load testing

Data Analysis

One of my recent projects where I’m working on Data Analytics, ETL Processes, Dashboard building for flawless collaboration with other teams and higher management. Analysis of KPI’s influencing product as well as website’s performance.